John Lomperis previously served as IRD’s United Methodist Director. God first brought John to IRD in 2004 to serve as a Research Assistant. Since that time, he was promoted to Research Associate, temporarily left IRD to earn a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, wrote his master’s thesis on Wesleyan spirituality among present-day United Methodists and Nazarenes, and came back to serve as Legislative Coordinator for the 2012 General Conference efforts of the United Methodist Renewal and Reform Coalition. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from the University of Chicago, and devoted much of both his undergraduate and graduate studies to tracing the rise of theological liberalism within American Methodism. His articles have been published by the Washington Post, the Dallas Morning News, the Washington Examiner, the Thousand Oaks (California) Acorn, The American Spectator, the National Review, First Things, the Christian Post, Ministry Matters, Good News magazine, The Asbury Journal, National Right to Life News,, and